Little Wild Horse Beads

They're here at last! My first little wild horse beads are finally finished and ready for new homes!

"Horses lend us the wings we lack" ~ Unknown

For me, horses are such magical creatures—the beauty they possess, the sweet friendship and special companionship they give, the sound of their hoof beats, the rush of wind and the rhythmic motion as we move together… they have captured my heart forever!

My original inspiration: Little Wooden Strider. This little guy is so special to me and is a perfect picture of my horse Strider—so calm and patient as he waits for his rider, with only a tiny hint of boredom in the flicking of his tail. He's my favorite vintage horse find so far—from the 1950s, I believe and most likely made in India. I love the rustic details and the mix of metals and dark wood.

So, these little horse beads are my small way of sharing my love of the majestic horse! Handcrafted in polymer clay in the worn and rustic style that I love, and inspired by the wild mustangs of my dreams… with a little touch of ornate detailing inspired by the carved wooden horses of India… and a little sprinkling of sweet character inspired by my two best friends and very own noble steeds: Lady and Strider!

I've made them in "Mustang Brown with Gold" inspired by my first and one-in-a-million horse who taught me to ride: Strider…

In "Dark Sienna with Copper". Because a herd of wild horses isn't complete without a black horse—it's actually a very dark sienna brown with black overlay…

In "Storm White with Gold" Inspired by my Lady… when she's not covered in mud! She's a beautiful bright white, complete with black "eyeliner" and black dapples all over her skin. In the winter she looks like a fluffy snowball and in the summer she glistens in the sunshine. But again, that's only when she's not covered in mud!

And "Ivory Sand with Gold" This color is of course inspired by Lady in her favorite attire—red Virginia mud!

I've only made three of each color for this first bead batch (some are already spoken for!) and it will be a few more weeks before I start the next one, so grab your little horse while you can! Find them in my shop here.

A post about my new horse beads wouldn't be complete without a "hello" from my two noble steeds…

Handsome Strider

Lovely Lady

They've of course since shed out their thick winter coats and are most definitely NOT wearing blankets, but I love these photos of them. :-) It's time to get some summer photos… and go out riding!

Go here to get your own little wild horse bead!
Happy Monday!

1 comment:

  1. These are just beautiful, both the beads and the real life inspiration for them :) I'm including a link to this post in my own link love post that will be on my blog in a few days :)
