Leather Feathers and Time Flying By!

Another few weeks have flown by leaving my blog in silence… but in my studio it was a flurry of leather feathers! Some days it's a choice of the internet and catching up with all that's happening there or the busyness of my studio. Of course, my studio nearly always wins on those days!

Here's a peek behind the scenes at what's kept me so quiet lately…

Lots of leather feathers! The task seems unending at times when starting with a large blank hide, but slowly, one detail at a time… plus many late nights and early mornings… and many cups of coffee… and suddenly there's a heap of finished feathers!

A few weeks ago on Art Jewelry Elements blog, I posted a a little bit more about my process for managing these large orders—you can see that here.

My sister Bethanne joined me again, making more of her own leather lovelies. It's always such fun when we get to work together—I love that my sister and best friend is also very often my studio partner!

Here's everything all finished up an ready to go! Only a few hours after finishing and they were packed up and sent off to their new home… at Lima Beads! Just few extra feathers and a messy studio remained to show what a busy time it had been!

And now… the disaster has been tidied and I'm moving on to other things! On Monday my little wild horse beads will finally join my shop. Come back here and stop by my shop to see them then!

After the horses it's back to much of the same old, same old—my tiny raven beads have been sold out forever and are on my to-do list for next week. Sleepy foxes and a few other critters need to be restocked. I've got a few special projects in progress too. And somehow between all that, I have leather butterfly wings and other brand new leather components happening!

The busyness continues of course, but this time at a less crazy pace… more breaks to spend time with family, and hopefully some time to enjoy the beautiful summer greenery.

Happy Saturday everyone! Thanks for stopping by to visit me!

1 comment:

  1. What an amazing amount of work. But that last picture is a beauty shot for sure! I'm excited to see the leather butterfly wings and other things make their way into your shop!
