In Progress…

A table covered in beads makes a very happy bead maker!

New colors for old designs and several new designs all nearly finished! I've been locked away in my studio busily painting! There's just a bit more to do and they'll all be available in my shop.

My first batch of lunar hares and jackalopes turned out even better than I had imagined and I can't wait to make more.

I'm trying very hard not to keep them all for myself. ;-)

Zzzzzzzzzz. Cuteness. What else can you say?!

And I've said it before, I'll say it again—there's no way you can keep this horse-loving girl away from horses for too long—if I'm not riding, I'm making horse beads! My two noble steeds are enjoying their spring vacation munching on the green grass and racing through the fields of spring flowers while I'm locked away in my studio making things—but they're never far from my mind.

I first made this style horse bead 3 years ago and I'm SO excited to finally be making more for you and your creations!

So there it is—my table overrun by beads! Time to finish up and sort for listing… and then they're off to the photo shoot… I hope you'll be back for my shop update coming up.

Happy Thursday bead lovers!


  1. Welcome back little horse beads, I've been waiting for you! Love your leaping ways. A couple of you will be moving to Sonoma County CA VERY soon, I hope you like basset hounds!

  2. love the above sweet...I, too, love the horse beads. Well, I love all of your beads....

  3. You make such amazing beads! I always admire what you create!

  4. You make such amazing beads! I always admire what you create!
