AJE March 2015 Themed Challenge Reveal ~ March Hares

I think you all probably know me best for my little sleepy critters beads… I do love them and making them with all their snoozing cuteness, but there's also another side of my creative style that I've been slowly working to develop. A bit more stylized and somewhat primitive or tribal would be a good way to put it, I think. Last year, I finally started to do more with the ideas that I'd had for so long… and I made my first leather feathers and got back into making my rustic tribal birds. I've really been having fun with these first steps in this new and exciting direction!

 So… when Jenny suggested March Hares as our first themed challenge at AJE Blog I quickly signed up to play along. New hare designs were hopping around in my mind immediately and I was going to take them in this new direction.

As so often happens for me, life finds ways to make things busier than I'd planned and I didn't get quite enough time to finish everything I had wanted to, but I do have a little peek behind the scenes for you…

A stamp of approval from a certain furry cat means a whole lot in my studio. Actually, my adorable little guy was asking if telling me it was dinner time… which it was.

Here's what I've been working on: new handmade stamps, sculpting brand new hare shapes, and even a bit of colored polymer is going to make its way into my new designs, if all goes as planned. Of course there will still be some painting, but it's fun to do more with colored polymer once in a while!

Most of yesterday I was busily making my new stamps. I started with a simple drawing of each pose…

Transfered to my stamp bases…

And then very carefully carved away the edges… I can't wait to use them in new beads!

I still have a bit more sculpting and refining to do with these new hare shapes, but I'm liking the direction so far and I'm looking forward to the finished beads coming next!

I hope you enjoyed the little tour of my latest studio happenings! Be sure to check out what everyone else has created for the March Hares Challenge below. Thanks so much for stopping by today and thank you to Jenny for an inspiring theme!

AJE Team:

Aural - Woodland Bay Native
Karin Grosset Grange - Ginko et Coquelicot
Pamela Traub - Klassy Joolz
Karen - Ditsy Blue
Michelle McEnroe (4 pieces pinned on the AJE Pinterest page)


  1. I love your new Hare stamps and Hare sculpts! I have often wanted to make molds and stamps for things but never know where to start! I just make drawings and cut them in card ect to make templates of all sorts of birds and animals :)

  2. Hi, love your Hare Stamps too, love this challenge too.
    Woodland Bay Native

  3. Love seeing where you're up to Rebekah and can't wait to see your finished designs!

  4. Looking forward to seeing what develops from this work Rebekah and puss is just adorable!

  5. Oh I love seeing your process and I know I'll love your future hare beads!

  6. Loving the shapes of the sculptures and silhouettes of the stamps. I look forward to seeing finished beads and components showing up in your shop.

  7. I love your hare stamps, and the sculptures! :)

  8. I love seeing your process - can't wait to see the finished products!

  9. OMG. just send one of each to me and include a bill. Those wee stamps are SO SO good, and inspirational... I look forward to see where the hares go - Ive always liked your horses, but horses aren't to me what hares are, you know?
    Glad it was a creative spell. So pleased! Hi to Grapenut for me.

  10. I love your little stamps they are so adorable as is your assistant! Can't wait to see what they look like!

  11. Love that your cat works with you ♥ Mine does too :) Very sweet little hare stamps and those clay colors in the top photo are beautiful!

  12. I love your kitty...he definitely has the 'I love mom' look in his eyes (and....'give me the food'...we get that around our house alot, too!...Gotta love 'em, yes we do!). Ooooo Rebekah, I love the adorable and sleek hare shapes/silhouettes that you've created...these are awesome!

  13. Thanks for sharing your creative process, I look forward to seeing your finished hare beads too. Cute Kitty :- )

  14. I'm very intrigued by your new hare creations. Can't wait to see the finished products!
