Hello again… and a sale for you!

* * * This sale has ended. * * *
* A big thank you to everyone who shopped! *

Yes, I'm still here!!

Hello again dear readers! I hope you'll forgive my blog silence—my creative life has been a whirlwind of happenings since about October of last year. And then some happy family time around the holidays and of course some unexpected things that always seem to show up when life is busy enough already… and somehow in the middle of all that blogging never got crossed off my list.

I have missed it so much! And I'm very much hoping that starting today, I'll get back to blogging more regularly again… and hopefully you'll be stopping by to visit once in a while too. :-)

So, what's happening at Tree Wings Studio these days?

I think a little studio tour is in order…

First you'll find beads, beads, and more beads. I'm just about restocked now… and if you get to the end of this post before getting too bored, you'll find that I have a surprise for you. (Okay, yes—you guessed right—I'm having a sale!)

Right now it's all about catching up after the holidays and getting a little ahead to allow for new beadmaking. So, I'm casting and shaping, casting and shaping… and then painting for a few days before I go back to casting and shaping some more. I love seeing that mound of critters on my table grow larger every day!

If you also follow AJE blog, you've already heard a bit of my leather journey. Recently all my studio time that isn't spent on beadmaking has been spent leather shopping. I have big plans for my leather designs and a reliable supplier is a must! It's been an exhausting and sometimes frustrating journey, but I've learned so much and am nearly at the point where I can get back to making my leather designs!

My coffee mugs have been kept very full during my studio hours. On these cold winter days a hot cup of coffee is a VERY good thing!

The top of my bead shelf is brimming with inspiring things that I've collected and have been given over the years. I've been doing a little sorting lately and I'm looking forward to drawing more inspiration from it all and getting onto new designs… hopefully sooner than later…

The cold outdoors (low teens and single digits with snow on its way!) has kept me inside as much as possible, but even though it's sometimes very grey and bleak, I love the view, and the little creatures that pause to visit outside my studio window.

And there's something so lovely about the bare trees against the cloudy grey skies. During the leafy spring and summer months it's easy to forget how majestic they truly are. You know me—I love watching them blow in the wind this time of year!

My furry studio companion has just turned 2 years old. Well, I'm really not sure of his true age, but dear little Grapenut has been my friend for 2 years now—he's been from feral to best buddy—he showed up just when I needed him most and I so cherish our friendship!

Speaking of furry friends—my two favorite horse friends are looking quite handsome… and glamorous! in their brand new outfits. Getting the right size and fit was an adventure all it's own and a story I'll have to tell another day, but they certainly are pleased (me too!) that they have warm blankets just in time for this very chilly weather!

So, now you've heard a bit of my latest happenings… and I want to say thank you for stopping by! It's good to be blogging again!

And now, a little winter inspiration in the form of new beads is always a good thing…
so it's time for a sale for you!

Take 20% off any order placed in my shop starting today—thru Wednesday, February 25th! Use code WINTERFUN at checkout.

Go here to start shopping.

* * * This sale has ended. * * *
* A big thank you to everyone who shopped! *

And… I almost forgot! Today I'm posting again on AJE blog—be sure to peek in on all our latest news and see my brand new daisy earring tutorial.

Happy shopping! And Happy Monday to you all!


  1. So lovely to see little sneak peeks into your studio workings and very generous to offer us a discount too :) Thanks!

  2. such beautiful beads!! and love those earrings - saw those over on AJE

  3. Look at all of those happy critter beads! I just love seeing Lady and Stridor..they look so happy and snug...I want to hear all about their blanket story? Grapenut looks very content and cozy...it's wonderful that he found you.
