The Winners of the Fall Giveaway!

And… the lucky winners are…

"Fading Flowers" goes to TesoriTrovati!

"Flight in Purple Skies" goes to Lindsay!

"Early Frost" goes to Saraccino!

Congratulations to each of you ladies!!

And a big thank you to all of you for entering, sharing, and shopping! You can be sure there will be more giveaways coming along later.

And… now it's back to the studio for me. Brand new pressed flower beads and a few new critters are in the works. Come back here for a peek at what's new in the next couple days.

Happy Monday!


  1. Thank you so much! I can't wait to see your beads and try to convince myself really to use them and not to hoard them :)

  2. What beautiful sets! each are so unique and gorgeous

  3. How awesome is that? Thanks Miss Rebekah! Truly a 'something good' for today.

    Enjoy the day. Erin
