AJE August 2014 CoM Challenge Reveal ~ Crimson Raven

Another month has flown by… and it's time for another Component of the Month Reveal! These monthly challenges really are one of my most favorite things about being a member of the awesome AJE team. This month is extra special since it was my turn to host… and I'm just bursting with excitement at finally getting to see the brand new creations everyone has dreamed up with my hand painted leather feathers!

For myself I chose one of the long focal feathers in black, grey, crimson, and copper… and here's what I've made…

I love long necklaces!

And I love these colors! There's something so incredibly beautiful and special about seeing the flocks of birds flying in the richly colored sun-setting skies of autumn—when you can only see their silhouettes mingled with black tree branches against the smoky grey and crimson red—that's what these colors remind me of, and so I've titled my new necklace "Crimson Raven".

For the focal I used a large Russian lace agate donut and a smaller donut in carnelian and wrapped them together with hemp. And then with a little more hemp and a dot of glue, I tied the feather in place. Two gemstone rounds—like the setting sun and rising moon—yes, that seems fitting for an autumn themed necklace, I think…

On either side of the feather I strung czech glass ovals with spotted brass spacers and iris grey seed beads.

And next I made a grouping of art beads, mixing up the arrangement just a bit on either side to keep things interesting. I used three of my own hand-painted speckle beads, a few of my tribal birds from my latest bead batch (the white gulls are in my shop already and weather permitting I'll have the ravens listed on Monday. :-). I added in a couple red creek jasper rounds, some hematite faceted beads, and a pair of lovely rustic black ceramic rounds from Lesley Watt.

For some reason finishing the backs of necklaces often takes me longer than any other part and after first contemplating several more complicated options, I decided to keep it simple—I ended my beaded front section with seed bead loops and used micro suede lace tied with hemp to finish it off.

One last bit of hemp cord to tie it all together and there you have it!

Time to hop! Follow the links below to see what everyone else dreamed up with the leather feathers they chose. Thank you all so much for joining me in this challenge!

Guest Artists

The AJE Team
Rebekah Payne <— You are here!


  1. Gorgeous! I love the hemp, the leather and those amazing colors! Your feathers are amazing, thank you for the opportunity to play with them. I think I'll need some more!

  2. It's beautiful... I love it! And I am now seriously coveting some of your tribal birds! Thank you for a beautiful component, I had great fun with it!

  3. Absolutely stunning necklace. I love the design.

  4. I love your necklace! This was my favorite feather, and I love the colors! You've really used them to their best effect with the other beads you've chosen. I love the multiple strands of suede at the back. It sort of brings the whole thing full circle with suede in front and back and has a very organic look. Thanks so much for letting me join in! I had great fun! (My family were all ooo-ing and ahhhing over the feather when I got it.)

  5. Hi Rebekah,
    Oh your necklace is beautiful! I love the colors, it is so rustic with a Native American flair.

  6. I've been itching to see how everyone used your feathers too (especially since I just bought one ;) ) Your use of it it is great. It's got a wonderfully fall, rustic feel to it. I adore your new little birds that you added in the necklace too.

  7. Your necklace is stunning, Rebekah! I love the blazing Fall colors and all of the details you've incorporated! My eyes kept roving to find the next special bit! Beautiful! :)

  8. I absolutely love your painted feathers! they are beautiful and the necklace you made is just stunningly boho! my favorite!!

  9. Oh my goodness! This is just FABULOUS! There are so many wonderful details in this, I don't know where to start! Just love it!

    Thanks again for giving away your lovely feathers for this challenge. I really need to come shopping with you some day soon!

  10. Thank you so much for hosting the design challenge this month. I love my feather and I love the piece I finally ended up with.

    I absolutely love the necklace you came up with. It will be perfect for the autumn season. The colors are just stunning.

  11. Wow Rebakah, that is gorgeous. You must be over the moon with all the wonderful creations made with your component!!

  12. I love you necklace! Not only are your feathers fabulous, but I also adore the artisan bead sections and the use of multiple strand of leather in the back. Thank you for sharing your abundant talent with us this month.

  13. Wow - this is incredible! Your attention to each tiny detail is amazing --- and the feather is fantastic!

  14. Beautiful design Rebekah - I just adore the rich vibrancy this palette and the wonderful textures. Thanks for giving us your wonderful feathers to work with on this challenge.

  15. Stunning. The colors - the dotty beads and the feather are a match made in beady heaven. Your unique style shines through in cohesive bead that are so wonderful together. I loved working with the feather! Thank you!
