A few more new things…

Oh dear! My poor blog is getting a little forgotten in the flurry of bead making—so sorry about that! I've mostly cleared off my tables from record keeping and I'm steadily working away at that ever-growing mound of unpainted beads. Here's a little peek for you of what I've finished recently…

First up, I'm making dragon shields again! This lonely stamp had probably been sitting unused for nearly two years. Dragon shields are a little tricky to make and take quite a while, but I've always loved the end result and it's good to be back at it again. I'll be trying some new colors shortly…

I've also been doing some more work with my new rustic copper brown color…

These new ferns will be perfect for autumn designs! If I can squeeze in enough time, I have a necklace design in mind with one of these ferns and a sleepy chipmunk… and possibly a few other new beads… maybe I'll even write a tutorial. :-)

Of course, I had to make a few of my rectangle Queen Anne's Lace pendants in copper brown too!

And some inside-outside beads.

I painted a few extras in dusty denim blue.

And… I almost forgot! Have I told you all that I'm making grey foxes now?
Yes, I really am!

They've been on my to-do list for practically forever and I finally decided it was time. Besides, red can get just a little tiny bit boring after a while… but don't worry, red foxes aren't going anywhere.

I really should make an arctic fox next, don't you think? Winter isn't all that far away!

And in other sleepy critter news, I'm now making fawns with a vertical hole to give you a few more design options.

So, what else is new? Let's see… all my speckle beads are back in stock…and turquoise ponies are finally back too!

See everything new (and old) in my shop here.

Back to bead making I go… Have a lovely day!


  1. LOVE it all!! That dragon is AMAZING, but I also like all the fossil-looking pieces too. Lovely, lovely work.
