Glassy Goodness!

I'm the proud and very happy new owner of some spectacular lampwork beads!

This lovely earthy mix (plus a few fun ceramic spacers) is from MonasLampworkI won them in the January ABS challenge—surprises in bead form are some of the best, don't you think? Mona has so many lovely beads, it was a hard choice to pick a very favorite (I took a couple months to decide!), but these colors really are so me and I couldn't be more happy with them.

And these absolutely adorable chicklet beads are from SueBeads and are the AJE Component of the Month for May. Yes, you're seeing pink again (a mauve-y pink, bright red, and a deep purple-red)—already I know what I'm going to make with them!

Lampwork beads always amaze me—the colors, the depth, the sparkle—beautiful! I know so much talent is involved in the making of these tiny works of art.

Have a fabulous Monday!


  1. I'm with you girl, I love lampies! And you definitely got some beauties there!
