Spring Bead Cleaning

It's that time of year again!

The birds are all singing happy spring songs…
light rain is falling (instead of snow and ice)…
 frogs are chirping at the ponds again…
the grass is greening…
and, finally the flowers are blooming!

It's been such a long drear winter!

And of course, it's well past time to start spring cleaning!

This week has been all about studio organizing—if you saw my mess a couple weeks ago, you'll know that I was starting to get a little desperate and overrun by the chaos. My main focus has been bead cleanup—I was a little shocked to find how many beads I had that were in an unfinished state and how much I was hoarding for future projects. I still had some old jewelry that needed to come apart to open up the possibility for new life to those forgotten beads too.

And so… this spring brings Spring Bead Cleaning to all of you!

My whole stash of hoarded polymer beads—the smaller bowl holds the few favorites I still can't part with—they will wait for jewelry making days.

Notice the brown theme I have going. The little bit of blue is for fun and to challenge myself… but I bet you're surprised to see the pinks here! Me too! Those little guys are some of my first beads and you have to admit that they are kinda cute in all their bold pinkness. They will stick with me for a least some time longer…

And here's what's nearly ready to fly to new homes and bead boxes… and hopefully new jewelry…

Some of these are years old, some are newer and I just never got around to finishing and listing, and some are one of a kind—those happy accidents that leave you wondering what colors and techniques you used.

They'll be going live in my shop over the weekend—be sure to check back here for all the details and to grab up some new beads for yourself!

Happy Friday!


  1. What beautiful beads! I would be sad to let them go. II have a busy weekend but hope I can find the time to shop.

  2. OMG. I just want to buy the entire bowl.

  3. Yeah, I'm with Lori...
    And I'm so thrilled to see the PINK in the mix!!! :)
    Hope you have an awesome weekend!

  4. can't wait to see them listed... but a tip, when you mention your shop in a post, make it a link. That way people reading the post in a reader, email, or other format can easily go there. I had to come back to your actual blog to find the link - and that is totally worth my time for these lovelies! - but easier is always better.

  5. What beautiful photos! And, of course, lovely beads. :)
