Bead Soup… for Shirley

My Bead Soup from Shirley Moore is softly simmering in my studio right now—all in pieces still—I know some of you have already completed your new creations, but me, well sometimes I spend more time thinking about it than doing the actual assembly—but that's the way I love it. :-)

Can you believe that we are so close to the reveal date?! Me neither!

But, wait! I haven't yet posted what I mixed up for Shirley…

So, here you go…

How funny that we both went with pink when mixing up bead soups for each other!

I can't decide if when it comes to the Bead Soup Party, do I love the giving or receiving best—I think every part of it makes me so happy. I can't wait to see what we both create!

Wishing you a happy Tuesday!


  1. I do love both soups, the one you received and the one you sent :-) Lovely to see what you both create!

  2. I love everything you sent in your soup! The fabric covered bead cord is so different. It's great. I can't wait to see all the gorgeous creations in the reveal.

  3. I'm sorry, I've been a total slacker on blogging! I've been furiously working, because your soup has given me so many great ideas, and we are getting down to the wire!! Can't wait to see if you like what I've created!!!

  4. Gorgeous soup! I can't wait to see what your partner comes up with.
