AJE April 2014 CoM Challenge Reveal ~ A Countryside Spring

It's finally time to show off our buttons!

I adore ceramics and so of course I jumped at the chance to get my greedy beady hands on another lovely ceramic component, this time from Lesley Watt of Thea Jewellery and Thea Elements for AJE's April Component of the Month Challenge. She crafted a whole lot of buttons, each with its own unique design and luscious glaze and a bright shiny copper clasp… and then let us pick our favorite! I know, you're probably thinking I chose the orange ammonite, right? Nope.

I went for green this time…

Sheer loveliness in ceramic button form! Don't the colors of this button just sing Springtime?

I do love the greys of winter, but after awhile they get a tad dull even for me and I start hunting for those little peeking shoots of green.

And so, here's my Springtime creation…

I've titled it "A Countryside Spring".

And now, let me start at the beginning… Lesley's pretty spring-green button was finally in my hands and had a very brief visit with my other hoarded art beads and was now sitting front and center on my jewelry making table (I had actually cleaned it off from my last project—shocking, I know!). Next, I started my search for complementing beads…

First on my list was this pretty rose pendant—its delicately fine details are entirely hand drawn by my sister Bethanne. It's translucent, which gives it a beautiful glow when light shines through.

I made a little wire-wrapped bail and hung the pendant on a strand of brass beads and picasso finished czech glass—like little rosebuds or petals.

Next on my list: a fabric covered bead cord—all hand-stitched by my mom (I know, I'm one lucky girl to have artistic friends and family! So inspiring!). My mom makes these unique beaded cords using vintage fabrics and beads. You know I love working with fiber, so of course, I had fun using this cord! The neutral colors and soft edges of this cord brings to my mind the velvety buds of pussy willows.

I used soft sea-green shell coins with teeny bone and ox-blood beads between. Ox-blood is my go-to color when I want a contrasting pop in a design.

And finally, I connected it all together with the star of the show—Lesley's button!

Actually, looking at this necklace, I realized that so little of the work was my own—I had only simply picked a few other beads, done a little wire-working and strung them together with some most gorgeous artisan components. That's the beauty of artisan components, don't you think—they become a lovely jewelry piece so effortlessly!

And that's all there is! I hope you enjoyed reading about my creative process and taking a little peek into the making of this necklace. And thank you to Lesley for a most fabulous challenge!

Be sure to check out what everyone else created with their buttons!

Guest Artists:

The AJE Team:


  1. Wow - what a talented family you have Rebekah and what a lovely necklace! Your sisters pendant is delightful and I totally agree about the resemblance to pussy willows. I love the softness and freshness of your design and my button sits so comfortably within it. Thank you.

  2. What beautiful components, each of them combines perfectly in a stunning design!

  3. You know I squealed when I saw your mom's bead strand, right? And then to see the talent of your sis as well! Even more than your beautiful design, the collaboration of your talented family makes this a wonderful design of precious value. What a great way to showcase Lesley's clasp!

  4. I am blown away!!! You have such an incredibly talented family and to use all of them with Lesley's clasp is just breathtaking!

  5. This piece actually choked me up a little - the idea of so much love and personal connection in one piece is very beautiful, and you've done a superb job of putting it all together in a way that adds Lesley's lovely button to your family. Really wonderful.

  6. This is really lovely, Rebekah. I love how you used the button! It really stands out, but harmonizes so nicely with the shell coins. It works into the rest of the design so perfectly! I love how the wheat color of your cording echoes the pendant, and the softness of it is a nice counterpoint to the "pointy" elements at the focal section. Love the dark red in it.

  7. How wonderful to have talented family members too! I have to tell you my favorite part is the red beads in the front. What an unexpected lovely surprise! The entire assembly is so gorgeous. I bet you will love wearing it.

  8. What a lovely design!! So soft and beautiful!

  9. You and your mom make a great pair. You both do gorgeous work!

  10. Oh my GOODNESS! I love every single thing about this necklace. :-) Textile work, painted work, family input, and your perfect sense of collage. It is superb! The ultimate touch is the small duo bead 'rosebuds' which echo the pendant. Drool.......

  11. Oh wow! That is awesome! I love that you have such talented family. That pendant is gorgeous. That chain is unique. Everything about this, including that right-at-home clasp just sings! Enjoy the day. Erin

  12. Totally awesome! Every piece sings the same tune :-)
    I admired the other fabric covered bead cord on your soup, too!

  13. Wow! It's a gorgeous piece but it's extra special because of all the handmade elements in it! I love it!

  14. Outstanding design Rebeka. You really did say spring with this one. Your sister's pendant and your Mom's chain were the perfect touches to go with Lesley's beautiful clasp.

  15. What a sublimely lovely design. So sweet!

  16. This is not only an outstanding design but it is a testimony to the love and talent of family and friends. Wonderful!

  17. So beautiful, Rebekah! I love the combination of color and textures!

  18. So delicate and elegant! Love It! :)

  19. I just love this necklace! It is such a family affair. I don't supposed that your mother sells her beaded cord?

  20. Yes, you are indeed very lucky to be surrounded by other amazing artists like yourself. Do either your sister or your mom have online shops for their products? (just wondering) While some of your own work may not be incorporated into the design, the design of this necklace rests entirely in your hands. That's a big deal as it's absolutely gorgeous!

  21. Truly a beautiful necklace! Love how your mom and sister were involved in the creation as well.

  22. How AWESOME that your whole family is involved in art - and what amazing things they made! I am so truly impressed with this necklace!
