We have winners!

I know—I'm a day late. I was cleaning up the studio and working on beads, beads, and more beads. And then time got away from me and it was suddenly the next day.

Anyhoo, without waiting a moment longer, here are the lucky winners:

"Red and Blue Skies" goes to…
Andrea Glick-Zenith!

"Honey Orange and Wild Horses" goes to…

"A Little Color at Dusk" goes to…
Ann Schroeder!

Congratulations to you all! And a big thanks to everyone who entered and played along—you always make these giveaways so much fun.

And as always, you can be sure there will be more giveaways coming up… after all, who doesn't love surprises?!

Wishing each of you a most fabulous week!


  1. Congratulations to the lucky winners!

  2. Congrats to all the winners! Be sure to put up your designs once they are completed so we can all ohhh and ahhh,

  3. Thanks so much. I've sent you my details in an email :)

  4. Congrats to the winners and thanks again for hosting the giveaway :-)

  5. thank for sharing best wishes to the winners
