AJE January 2014 CoM Challenge Reveal ~ Joyfulness

It's time for another Art Jewelry Elements CoM challenge reveal! This month we were given a gorgeous shabby chic polymer clay and mixed media focal from Jenny Davies-Reazor. She thoughtfully chose a different word for each participant to surprise and further challenge us.

My word is joy (perfect for me, thank you Jenny!) framed in copper and forest green.
And here's what I made…

My first ever cuff bracelet! I knew I wanted to make a cuff right from the start, but I hemmed and hawed for nearly forever on what material to use and how to decorate it. Then late one night I grabbed up this pretty floral printed cotton fabric and my paints and started smudging away with colors—I used burnt umber to age it, and added a bit of copper for a faint sparkle, and then ivory for a faded look around the focal. Ah yes! I loved that look! Next I dug through my bead stash…

Peacock pearls, opalites, itty bitty seed beads…

I needed one more thing, so at the very last minute I decided to make some of my own coordinating beads—I was really on a roll with painting by then, so making beads was must! I used a rose handled knife for the texture, painted on many thin layers of paint, sanded off a few layers, and lightly polished each bead.

Next I arranged the bead layout and started stitching away. About two thirds of the way from the finish line, I lost my needle—the only one I had that fit seed beads. I frantically searched my work table, and trash, finally gave up and started using another needle—one that did not fit seed beads—so it was stitch, remove needle, string seed bead, thread needle, stitch… fun.

Thankfully that only lasted a few minutes—I found the first needle attached magnetically to my scissors! After all the beads were in place, I sewed the beaded cotton piece to a piece of dark brown felt for stability.

To cover the stitches on the back, I added a piece of paint "aged" lace.

And a brass bead for the clasp at the end.

I hope you enjoyed reading my bracelet making journey. I'm so happy with the way it turned out. Joyful indeed. Thank you Jenny!

A few extra rose beads happened too—they're going into my shop today.

Be sure to check out what everyone else dreamed up with their focals!


  1. NICE! Love the cuff! And it brings me joy just looking at the photos. I'm glad you found your needle...what a painful process without it. lol!

  2. That fibre is right up my alley, Rebekah... looks awesome with the PC additions. Love!

  3. I just love your cuff Rebekah! It is so something that I would wear proudly.

  4. Oh heavens. I want to make cuffs now - that is so darn inspiring! I chose that word for you because I see such joy in the polymer creature beads - I know thats one series of many that you create - but they speak to me.

    I love what you have done. This is so far different from what I do that you have inspired and impressed the heck out of me! Not that I doubted you - you know what I mean!

    I am sorry about the needle escapade. But glad you persevered. Its so lovely. Both Victorian and bohemian...

  5. Oh, wow! So gorgeous, Rebekah! Jenny's piece really works in this shabby chic type setting! Joy is the perfect word.

  6. Looooooooooooooooooooove! I want to go make cuffs now...lots and lots of cuffs! I can't stop staring at your cuff, it's just so pretty! Squee! PS I love those rose beads/charms you made!

  7. Wow! This takes my breath away. What a fantastic setting for Jenny's focal. You're a rock star!

  8. OMG! This is probably one of the most breathtaking (like Linda said!) pieces of jewelry I have ever seen. I have a thing for cuffs (even though I've never dared to make one), and this is just stunning. I love your rosy colors (and the fabric! now I want to paint fabric), and I am blown away by how you stitched the beads on there. Your work is meticulous but you still achieved a freestyle feeling with the random placement. Your rose beads are a perfect addition and echo the focal in feeling without being matchy. LOVE how you used the focal--somehow the rest of the cuff doesn't compete with it, but rather enhances it. Most excellent!

  9. Wow! I am crazy about this bracelet! Love the colors, love the style, love the beads you made!

  10. Oh now that's just beautiful and so creative!!!

  11. STUNNING!!! Oh Rebekah you simply nailed it. I love everything about it and would wear that in a heartbeat. Every little detail is perfection. I love the beads you made and the elongated ones especially! That rose texture is beautiful and the perfect compliment to your beautiful bracelet.

  12. Absolutely beautiful Rebekah! I love it! Loved reading the journey of how you got there too... all those little details! And those little rose beads... wow!

  13. Heavens! So much work and so much amazingness! You really did an awesome job with this challenge. I can't even. . .it's beautiful!

  14. I always love your mixed media pieces Rebekah - and this is no exception. So rich in colour and texture and so original - fabulous!
