On AJE Blog ~ December COM Giveaway!

It's my turn to host the Component of the Month giveaway on Art Jewelry Elements blog!
Four rustic speckle beads are up for grabs!

Go here to enter!

* Comments posted here will not count… they must be entered in on AJE blog. *


  1. I love these and really would like to win one so I can play with it. But.....I won the November component of the month and feel I should not enter. They really are gorgeous and I can't wait to see what everyone makes with them.

  2. I just entered. I love your beads and would love to play along. I really like that bronze one with the purple and white.

  3. Totally love these! Very mod yet very classic at the same time. And as usual your color sense is divine. Enjoy the day, Miss Rebekah! Erin
