Up for Adoption: Sleepy Puppy Dog Beads

I solved my photography problem! I made the little puppies a tiny plaid blanket to lay on—perfect contrast to my crackled white wood—and the puppies were so comfy!

Come and meet them:

Little sleepy tri-color Jack Russell Terrier

Little sleepy tan and white Rat Terrier (As you know Rat Terriers hold a very special spot in my heart—I had to make one.)

Little sleepy Rottweiler (As a little kid growing up I wanted a fierce protective dog, something huge—Rottweilers were on that list.)

 Little sleepy black Pomeranian

Little sleepy red and white Pit Bull

Little sleepy chocolate Pomeranian

Little sleepy blue and white Pit Bull

They're all available for adoption in my Etsy shop here.

And finally…
My first custom order dog portraits are available! I left two little Jack Russells unpainted so I can custom paint them to match someone's special pup. I've wanted to do custom pets for ages, so I'm super excited to finally have these ready to go!

More puppy dogs are on the way soon. What's your favorite dog breed? Did you grow up with a dog? What kind is the puppy dog that fills your everyday life with happiness and love now? I'm taking suggestions. :-)

(And yes, new sleepy kitties are in the works too.)


  1. Wow what a difference a littl contrast color makes! They're all so cute and I love that your idea of custom painting them for you customers!

  2. My dream dog is a Bernese Mountain Dog. So easy to cuddle!

  3. OMG! These are so stinkin' cute! I don't have a dog now but we had a schnauzer for many years. A black one. I loved his sweet whiskers. Of course he was a shelter dog, and he didn't have his ears clipped so they were all sorts of lovely floppiness. These would be great for a Humane Society fundraiser, but I am sure you have already thought of that! The other dog I had growing up was a mutt, sort of like a Benji dog, named Buffy. When she would sleep she looked exactly like this. Congrats on these new beads. I know they will get snapped right up! Enjoy the day, Miss Rebekah! Erin

  4. the blanket was a brilliant, hilarious solution!

  5. I grew up with a black flatcoated retriever, called TJ (Torwood Junior), so If you make one (or two, one for my sister) of them, I'll be happy to adopt it/them!
    My best friend has a chocolate labrador, Lola.
    And a black Podenco with HUGE ears!! Wouldn't that be funny :)

    Love these, Rebekahii

  6. I love the blanket, they look so cute and comfy on it. They are all adorable. I would love to see a basset hound, they are my favorite breed and I have 2. I love the idea of getting custom dogs, that would be so cool!
