And then she was distracted…

You probably don't know it, but sleepy puppy dogs can be oh-so stubborn and difficult to photograph!

Or maybe I should blame my camera… or my photographer (me, at the moment)…

Or the fact that these little puppies are mostly white and so is my usual Etsy shop backdrop—can you see the camouflaged puppies? Not so great for a listing photo.

Yeah, I was getting kinda grouchy and frustrated—making beads is so much easier than photographing them!

And then there was this:


Waking up to say hi…

Asking so sweetly…

And sleeping again (on my lap this time)…

How can I resist?

I didn't.

When a once wild (feral) kitty asks for a nap on your lap, there's no answer but yes. Seeing that total trust and love in his bright eyes and hearing his soft rumbling purr is enough. It puts a smile on your face and joy in your heart.

*and she melted*

Photographing to be continued…


  1. I was wondering how your beautiful boy was getting on, Rebekah... obviously he has no regrets either :)

  2. Do I see sleepy cat beads in the future?
