A Giveaway Challenge!

It's been such a long time since I've had a giveaway. I've really missed doing them… they are so much fun, so I think it's high time I do another!

This one has a little twist though… and some extra rules, to make it extra fun!

By entering you could win one of these sets (a large round and a small round) of my new tattered butterfly wing beads, but you have to promise to make something with them and then share what you've made in a blog hop.

Do you want to play? Good!

Here are the rules:

1. Leave a comment at the end of this blog post. (You'll get an extra point if you share this giveaway/challenge and come back here leaving another comment to let me know you shared. :-) There will be 3 winners—the fourth set is mine, so I can play along too! This giveaway is of course also open to international bead lovers. The giveaway closes on June 21st and I'll announce the winners on June 22nd (this Saturday).

2. If you win you must make something with your bead set.

3. Post your creation on your blog on July 20th.

Sounds easy enough, right?

So comment and share away! Happy winning!

* This giveaway is now closed. Thanks so much for entering! *
Winners will be announced on the 22nd.


  1. I'd love to play with! Your beads are so charming and I'd love to try them for my jewelry!

  2. Totally would love to play with those beautiful beads!

  3. Oooh, and I've shared on Pinterest!

  4. Oooooo, sounds like a fun challenge. I already have ideas for what to do. Thanks for the chance to win some of your pretties.

  5. Super cute beads, I would love to play with them, thanks for the chance!

  6. I loooove your beads and would so love a chance to play along. Thanks My e-mail is in my blogger profile.

  7. I tweeted about your beads and giveaway. https://twitter.com/kayzkreationz/status/347012620563390467

  8. I also just shared with a friend of mine by e-mail, since she loves jewelry and blog hops/challenges. Karla of Texas Pepper Jams

  9. I'd love a chance to win -- those beads are gorgeous and it'd be a real treat having the opportunity to do something with them!

  10. Oops, here's the full comment. I shared here: Oh, and I shared here: http://pinterest.com/pin/109634572151760122/ and also on my blog. The link will be live in about 12 hours (scheduled post): http://manekisparlblogg.blogspot.com/2013/06/utmaningar-tree-wings-studios-giveaway.html

  11. I would love a chance to create something with your pretty beads!

  12. Oh how pretty!! I would love to make something with your beads.

  13. Oh what a great surprise to wake up to (my email re your blog giveaway - subscribed) and how I would love to be able to make something with more of your pretties, pretty please x

  14. I have shared on facebook so you will get lots of other people coming to have a looksee xx

  15. I have also tweeted it what a fantastic blog this is with the links to help you share :D

  16. Ooo - Me, please, Rebekah! I've already got an idea forming in my mind!

  17. Just shared it on Pinterest:
    I'm crossing my fingers - thanks!

  18. Yes, please! I love your clay work. What a great challenge! Thank you.

  19. I just posted it on Facebook, too!

  20. Those look delicious and the colours are lush too

  21. I would like to have the chance to play with such a beautiful beads.

  22. I shared on my fb page


  23. Ohhh I would love a chance to play with your pretty beads..

  24. I would love the chance to play along! :-)

  25. I would absolutely love to play along. I can just picture the necklace now.

  26. I'd love to play with your beautiful beads. Thank you, Ana
    acbeads AT gmail DOT com

  27. I've made a post about this great giveaway.
    My email is acbeads@ gmail .com

  28. I've got a picture in my mind of what I would do with these lovelies! Thanks for the chance to win them.

  29. Pinned it on my board for beads!
