A little bead just for me!

I have some extreme cuteness to share with you today! It's not very often that I buy beads for myself… but I was looking for a little doggy bead to remind me of my Pepper girl and so when Lauren of Maybeads on Etsy offered to make her for me, I was beyond thrilled. For a girl who loves beads and her dog (and misses her dearly), what could be better than that??

Here she is…
Lauren did such a wonderful job. I knew I would love the doggy she made for me, but when she showed me my finished Pepper bead, I gasped with delight! She couldn't have made her any more perfect—she capture all the details—the spots of pepper on her ears (the only place that her many spots where actually visible), her stumpy tail, and her sweet eyes.

I asked Lauren to make her in a standing pose. I love her poised stumpy little tail… reminds me of how Pepper envisioned herself to be a fierce protector. She always tried to be fearless and her bark was so much larger than she was, but in reality she was so sweet and gentle, and actually rather shy.

I know by now you're probably amazed by the sheer cuteness that Lauren captured in a little glass bead, but when you see just how small my Pepper bead is, you'll be even more amazed—I know I am! Take a look…
 Yes, I'm so happy with her! Eventually, once I come up with the right design, I plan to make a necklace with her, but for now she's in my studio by my computer brightening each day with her cuteness—one more way to be reminded that my Pepper girl will always be with me in my heart no matter how much time separates us.

Thank you again Lauren! I've never had a more special bead!


  1. You know I don't know if I would make her into a necklace. Rather I would go for a talisman that is always with you.

  2. I was honored to make your Pepper beads! I'm so glad you like it. <3

  3. Awwww. This is so special. What a neat way to remember your little pooch.
