A furry little visitor

Back last summer I saw a cat in my front yard. I didn't think too much of it since living in the country often brings animals of all kinds into the front yard. But then I saw it again a few days later and then again the next week. It started coming around at least a few times a week. I noticed it hunting occasionally and started wondering if it had a home. It continued coming and going. And then late one night during a snow in February I found it on the front porch sitting huddled up as though it was waiting for the snow to stop falling. I put out some dog food (I didn't have any kitty food) and a few hours later the snow had stopped and the cat was gone and so was the food. The next day I got some kitty food and every day I'd put a handful on the porch… some days it would get eaten and some days it wouldn't. But I never actually saw the cat eating and although I did see the cat more frequently, I actually began to wonder if maybe I was feeding a skunk or a rat instead!

But then on Saturday I saw him (or her)! I had just put the food out like I've done every day before going out to feed my horses and when I came back, there he was relaxing on the porch after eating his dinner!

The little guy is not too sure of me yet, but was nice enough to let me snap these photos to share with you.

A beautiful kitty! And what a sweet expression! After this long of coming here, I think he must be in search of a forever home… :-)

In studio news, I'm nearing completing the restocking—most of the sleepy critters have been restocked and next up I have turquoise ponies… and I've finally narrowed down my list of what new beads to make next! Sometimes there are too many ideas—settling on just a few is so hard!

And in puppy news, I'm still searching for my next little puppy girl…


  1. Maybe you could adopt this sweet kitty? :)

  2. Awww, what a handsome kitty! Are you going to adopt him? (Or, perhaps better said, let him adopt you?)

  3. I think he is just deciding to adopt you!!! :)
    Wonderful cat!!

  4. Delighted to hear things are looking up. That's a sweet new pal you've got there!

  5. As soon as I saw this little sweetie, I thought just as everyone else has been commenting, Rebekah. It's just like kitty was sent for you to take care of (or perhaps to take care of YOU!) You may not be ready to give your heart to another dog after having it broken so recently. Kitties love in a totally different way... they like to act like we must EARN their affection. Your visitor seems to think you are worthy!

  6. So handsome!! By the looks of that ear, he's had some rough times. I'm so glad he found you to feed him :)

  7. I agree with the other comments. At just the right time, God know's when to send us a gift. Last February I was adopted by a kitty and he has helped my heart heal. Your new little friend is gorgeous.

  8. What a sweetie! Seeing those pics, I just want to pick him/her up and cuddle. So cute!

    As for adopting that so many have mentioned: just make sure it really is homeless first -- unless there's a law saying cats have to be tagged where you live, there's still a possibility that the cat does have a home. Either it could be lost or just an outdoor cat. Many outdoor cats will roam freely and take any opportunity to beg for food or just to enlarge their territory. And sometimes they stay because they get fed by people, instead of going home (or if lost, try to find home). I'm just saying it as an outdoor cat owner with cats that like to visit the neighbours. Once we had a cat who made the neighbour's empty barn his home and he was there more often than he was here just because he liked having so much space all to himself and there he could hunt for mice. And another cat we had would always visit the neighbours when they were here (they had multiple homes) as they were catlovers and would feed her cream and fish. So she would go there every so often just to get that extra treat.

    That said, it can very well be homeless. Sometimes cats like to adopt humans and if you can't find an owner nearby, you just have go along with the cat's wishes cause they'll stay if they want to stay. *lol* We have one such cat ourselves nowadays.

  9. I hope he decides to be your own special cat....it just takes time for trust to be built, but food sure hurries that along!

  10. What you have there is a British shorthair mix-- I know because I rescued a purebred one. They are total lovebugs! Ours purrs almost constantly. Once they decide you are ok, just try and get rid of them. Hope you find this one is truly homeless and can adopt. We are planning to get a puppy and I think our Muggsy will happily accept one, if they are small enoughl
