I'm back... with some new beads!

Hi again! So sorry for the long absence! I didn't actually go anywhere—I've been here all along... life just got a little more crazy than usual and I couldn't keep up with everything.

The past couple months for me have involved so many things: a very sick little dog, a brand new job (which I totally love!), a tornado touchdown that caused a five-day power outage right in the middle of a scorching heat wave, all kinds of things breaking and suddenly not working around the house... and numerous other things that would just make this list too long and depressing. And of course, along with all that there was a lack of sleep which didn't help with the fact that each day is never long enough to do everything that needs doing... and somewhere in all the craziness, bead making and blogging got mostly left behind...

But now I'm finding more time in my days again and I'm back at doing the things I love!

I have a whole bunch of beads and pendants that have been waiting their turn to be listed in the shop. I've just started on that. And there are new bead designs in progress... :-)

Here are the latest additions to the shop:

Hand painted daisy pendants... these are my favorite and I only have two of them, so don't let them get away!

New sleepy critters! Little yorkshire terriers! Thanks to a few wonderful customers asking, I'm now starting to make dogs. Keep your eye out for other breeds in the shop in the coming months.

Yes, they're FINALLY in the shop too—sleepy flying bluebirds. (Sleeping while flying not recommended... it requires special talent! ;-)

Rustic flower pendants in black.... I only have two of these also.

One rustic flower pendant in denim blue.

Wild roses in white.

Scattered rose drop pairs in turquoise and...

White! Thanks for the suggestion, Theresa! :-)

Tiny winged heart charm pairs.

And finally, scattered rose rings—I think these would make great toggles!

See everything in my shop here!


  1. Those sleepy yorkshire terriers are so gorgeous!!

  2. Love the daisy pendants but I love'm all.

    Nice to hear from you again you always have such sweet treats to share. Glad that everything is moving back in the right direction for you.

    Take Care,

  3. Welcome back to the blogosphere, Rebekah! I hope after all these challenges you have faced, life will resume a more leisurely pace (or at least a more balanced one). I've been checking your blog regularly (thought the GFC feed might have been on the fritz), so I'm thrilled to see you back in the saddle and filled with PC creativity!

    Back in April I was thrilled to receive the "Bright and Sunny" bead set on one of your give-aways. I have been hoarding them ever since; they actually live in a special compartment in my purse, and have been bragged about like the proverbial "pearls of great worth" ... before you start thinking me a little odd, I'll explain.

    I have been wanting to start a blog for a while now, and I finally did last month. Now that summer is winding down, I'll be looking for a way to keep the sunshine present a little longer. Once I get clear of ongoing challenges, I'd love to make myself little something with this special gift I received from you, Rebekah. Not only were they my first "win" online, but also the earliest beads I own made by the hand of a fellow artisan. You can imagine how much I treasure them!

    Thanks for being a source of inspiration, and I anticipate enjoying lots more goodies here in future.

  4. Welcome back! Love all your beads...beautiful creations!

  5. OMG....DOGS!

    I'm a member of a very large a thriving Cult of the Pug. There are other related cults among us - Cult of the French Bulldog, Cult of the English Bulldog, Cult of the Boxer....but the Cult of the Pug is by far one of the largest in my area. We even have an annual Beauty Pageant event for Pugs, English and French Bulldogs. We are all serious sick people (but I get I could make a killing on dog jewelry at one of these events! (hinthinthint) ;)

  6. Love all of your bead designs. Glad to see your post.
