Scattered Roses ~ 52 Earrings: week 19

This week's theme is "anything faux"—that's an easy one for me! I immediately chose turquoise and coral. I love doing turquoise and coral! The challenge came in when I had to decide WHAT to make. I thought about it all week and didn't come up with anything really fabulous, until last night when I found some vintage rose beads in a box hidden away in my closet. (That box holds odds and ends from broken and old jewelry, and I was searching for something for my button challenge designs... just in case you're wondering... I didn't end up using the beads I was originally looking for, but when I found the roses, I was glad I had gone looking! :-)

So anyway... I used the rose beads to make a mold with a scattered rose pattern and then I cast the turquoise beads. For the coral beads, I just smushed two little balls of coral clay around until I got a nice coral-y shape. Both the turquoise and coral beads got a black patina and a light buffing for a soft sheen. And then I wrapped them up with silver wire—I think these are the first earrings that I've made in silver for this challenge.

I got a little carried away with photographing and got a couple extra shots...

I just love the way these turned out! I'll definitely be making some for my shop soon!

And here's one last shot that was just too cute to not share with you all...
Peter Rabbit came for a visit and says "hi" to all in blogland! :-)

Check out the Flickr pool here to see what everyone else mixed up for week nineteen.

See you next week with another pair!


  1. Your faux turquoise always look so awesome...while mine looks know! :)

  2. These are absolutely gorgeous! I will surely be watching the shop for some of these, white roses would be nice too...

    Thanks for sharing,
