Bead Table Wednesday ~ 5/9/12

My "bead table" today is my packaging and shipping table... I use it when my other table is TOO messy—which it happens to be at the moment—all covered in bead making stuff. And now, BOTH of my tables are very messy!
Actually, I find I work best when my table is a bit on the messy side. I think the creative juices flow much better when everything is within reach. Today was very productive—I designed and actually finished one of my button creations. I can't tell you what sort of creation it is yet, but I can tell you that I'm so excited with the way it turned out! And if you look closely at my table you'll be able to figure out which button I used. ;-) Three buttons remaining... I have good ideas for them too and I should be able to finish at least one more, but I'm not sure I'll get to them all.

And speaking of buttons... here's a peek at what I sent Sue:
I sent these off to her before I got the ones she had sent to me and imagine our surprise when we opened our packages and found we had both sent very similar things—buttons from our grandmothers, buttons we had made ourselves, and ceramic buttons! That's got to be the neatest thing ever and really makes this swap special!

Go to Sue's blog to see more!

Bead Table Wednesday
Happy Bead/Button Table Wednesday!!

(click the BTW button to see what everyone else has on their table)

1 comment:

  1. woooowwww your tag soo beautiful =)
    Did you make it by yourself?
    Sue must be so happy when receive your package.
